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St Nicholas Church Online Donations


  • Easily set up recurring giving with one click

  • You'll instantly receive an email receipt with amount given and to which fund you donated

  • You can give to multiple funds in one transaction once you create an account or

      you can make a one time donation without creating an account

  • Please consider the option to increase your gift by enough to cover the processing fees.

  • You may donate via ACH (bank account), debit or credit card

  • Secure by design

      Transactions are transmitted using 256 Bit TSL/SSL and card data only touches Level 1 PCI-DSS compliant systems. Card details are tokenized, stored, and encrypted on industrial grade servers. Our security is on par with leading financial services and banking institutions.

  • If you are an active parishioner please use your envelope number as your member ID



  • Wix Facebook page
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