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Icons  "Windows into Heaven

Iconography is the Bible in Art and theology in color.

The Bible and iconography along with prayer of the heart are the gates into the mystery of Eastern Christian spirituality.

Icons serve as "Windows into Heaven" depicting our Christian history reflecting images of Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Saints and the Apostles

Click on an icon to learn more 

Christ the Pantocrator

Our Lady  of Perpetual Help

Nativity of our Lord and Savior

St. Nicholas our Patron Saint

St. Basil the Great

St. John Chrysostom

The Holy Family

SS.Cyril & Methodius

The Holy Trinity

SS. Peter & Paul


Ascension of Our Lord

Presentation of the Theotokos

The Mystical Supper


Protection of the Theotokis

The Crucifixion

The Tranfiguration

Dormition of the Theotokos

Pascha (Ressurection of Our Lord)

Birth of John the Baptist
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
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